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Making Beer


At Galbanum oil Fragrance, we strive to provide the best essential oils and extracts for Fragrance and perfumery. Our production process is focused on maintaining the highest standards of quality. Each batch is carefully distilled, preserving the unique characteristics of the source material.

We specialize in the production of essential oils from native plants of the Middle East especially Galbanum, Asafoetida, Rose, Saffron, and other herbs. Our products are used in Fragrance ,Flavor, perfumery and natural cosmetics. 


At Galbanum Oil Fragrance, we specialize in research and development to conserve wild and endangered plants, specifically galbanum and asafoetida. Our expertise in extracting and refining these essential oils for Fragrance and Flavor creations makes us a leading innovator in the industry.

Yellow Flowers
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